The featureless spectrum of hot sub-Neptune HD86226c
Image credit: NASA
My current research at MPIA targets sub-Neptunes,
the most common class of plantes known today.
I'm excited to show you some of my research projects!
Most recently, I explore the atmospheres of sub-Neptunes with data from the HST SPACE Program.
My former work investigates the chemistry in star-forming regions and the effect of stellar feedback on star formation.
Please, take a look around!
CV (Last update: 2024, Aug 20)
MSc Astronomy and Astrophysics (University of Bonn)
BSc Physics (University of Bonn)
Research Interests:
Atmospheres and composition of exoplanets
Sub-Neptunes / small planets - but the large ones too :D
Star formation
ADS link
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
Königstuhl 17
69117 Heidelberg